Tuesday 28 December 2010

OK so Again its a New Year!!!

A New start for sure is about to happen as I make the move from Burnley to Salisbury, with the children and my mother. I am going to make a new start and have closed the website down with a big sale so I can hopefully make a new start with my friends and family around me to support me..

I have been busy though and have been hand sewing some octagons to then make into quilt for my Daughter for her christmas then my mum and my mother in law.... and here are the pics the one for my mum will have to follow as I forgot to take a pic but will get one tomorrow for it and hopefully will updaqte the blog a little more often and make things more often for some craft fairs when we get sorted....

Thursday 21 January 2010

A New Year, Me & Life!!

Yep thats right a New Year 2010 a New Life as a single parent and a new me with lots to work at...... I left with the kids and the dog just before Christmas (really bright but hey I dont do things by half) We are now starting to settle down after both kids where ill at the beginning of January , Alex with ear infections and Rosie with tummy problems..

I have signed up with a weight loss thing via the Doctor to start at the end of January and hope that the Insurance claim I have pending will come in soon so I can take the kids away for some sunshine .. and to reflect on the year to come. I am hoping to get the house sorted over the next week as my oldest is home on leave.

So here is to a wonderful New Year 2010 with no worries and a little more money sunshine and better health.

I intend to start making things for the house soon so do check back to see some of the things I will make.
